Branding Online

Information in this  document is supplementary to Web Publishing Policy and should not be used alone. Refer to the appropriate section(s) in the Current Policy document for University guidelines.

All pages providing information about AUT on the AUT Internet site must  contain the standard AUT footer.

Links to the main AUT homepage must always be included as:

    <a href="/">AUT Homepage</a> for pages on the AUT server (wording may vary)
    <a href="">AUT  Homepage</a> for pages on other servers (wording may  vary)

All pages should apply the appropriate style sheet to ensure appropriate font  style and size is used. Italics and bold may be used for emphasis.

Links to the main AUT homepage must use the syntax specified in the technical  specifications.

All top-level pages must keep to a white background colour.

The logo banner and standard footer must be inserted as a "server-side include".

A template for 'toplevel pages' can be sourced from the following location, they include all the elements you need to meet many of the specifications required. for pages within one click of homepage

AUT Logo's

AUT's logo must be included using an absolute path reference so that the images can be updated across the website as necessary. Use one of the logo's provided or discuss your requirements with the Web Centre

Provided is a sample of  different AUT logos suitable for use on the  internet only.

Fonts & Style Sheets

Where font styles need to be manually applied these are the approved fonts for the site:

Font Style: Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif

Font Size: Standard text size for main body “2”

All webpages should utilise  the style sheets provided by the Web Centre. To do this some coding

Style Sheets

Fonts should be consistent throughout the AUT Internet site, therefore a style sheet should be applied to each web page.

* new style sheets are in production. Seek guidance from the Web Centre

Web Page Background

White is required wherever the logo banner is used. It is also recommended for ease of reading. Black text on white background (or at least a dark colour  text on a lighter background) causes less eye strain and will encourage your  visitors to explore more of your website.

Utilise space well, do not over clutter your page or provide too many options  within a menu.


See colour accuracy and consider the meaning of colour in different cultures, eye strain, impact. In summary, use colours sparingly.

Animation/Flashing Objects

Resist the temptation to use flashing/moving objects or text. Cute or fun  they maybe the first time you see them, but a consistent movement distracts the  eye and can be annoying if your visitor is trying to read your information. The novelty of 'fun' elements wears off for repeat visitors, so if you're thinking  of using these techniques limit the 'loop' to a maximum of 2, and consider  changing the object to maintain interest.


Sound and video may be included however remember that your audience requires appropriate plug-ins to benefit from these features and therefore it may intimidate or exclude some people. Find out who your audience is and there  likely skill level, computer specifications and receiveable software, obviously  the 80/20 rule applies. see lowest common denominator

Know you specific & major target audience and design accordingly

Plugins - see Sound/Video

Forms & Scripts

Talk to the Web Centre before including these. See technical specifications


It is a good idea to have an alias email setup so that in the event of a staff member leaving you do not have to search through your site to find email links.

This is a working  document, please contact the Web Centre if you would like further clarification.